Slammed in Jersey, Robert's Civic si is straight up killing it! Its stance looks quite mean sitting on ccw classics 18x8.5 all around assisted by Skunk 2 coilovers! Not only does this FG look mean it also is mean, spooling with a greddy turbo kit and skunk 2 intake manifold; tsx throttle body and K tuned fuel rail. We normally like to bring you experiences that we have been through but this is one feature I could not pass up!! Big thanks to Brian Orjuela Photography
Being precise for perfection is not a necessity, having a passion and love for a hobby is worth striving for.... This Christmas feature was assembled, not only to entertain the viewers, but also enjoying one's company in doing what we love to do. With Tim Acang and Charlan Buenaventura behind the cameras, Kay Lockett as our model, this shoot was quite extravagant. We hope you enjoy this month's feature as much as we did putting it together. Special thanks to model coordinator, Heidi Buenaventura, assistant director Jimmy Hughes, and Redesigned wardrobe by Jesse Johnson. Merry Christmas to all and wishes you all a happy New Year!